Sugar, creme and everything nice!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

To our 2nd year and to many more to come...

You know some of what you said about me are not entirely true... *frown* I never said other guys are my 'dream' guys... I just mentioned to you before I had my version of a dream guy, per se, and some random guys (friends of friends, actors in movies, grandpa, etc) happen to touch my heart with their small, sweet, deeds. I'm sorry if I made it look like I'm comparing you to them, that was never my intention.

I can't believe we have actually lasted two whole years! I never thought I was capable of being in a relationship for so long, considering I never managed to. :P But you showed me how things work in a true, loving relationship, how people tolerate each other, how to accept the goods and bads... With all the amount of information you poured to me, it's a wonder I didn't boot earlier. Hehe...

I would really like to say... Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for all the times you put a smile on my face, no matter how difficult it was. Thank you for simply appearing in my life...

This is to our 2nd year anniversary... and to many more years to come... Cheers! :)


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